The youth of today are the future. We are going to inherit this planet when the current round of leaders leave their seats of power and quite frankly we, the youth, are fed up. We are fed up with the industries that put short term economic gain to benefit their greedy corporations before the health of our planet. We are fed up with the ignorance in the approach to environmental issues that are disregarded and labelled; ‘for the next generation to fix’ or ‘waste of money: hide from the public’s attention’. And most of all, we are fed up with being told that teenagers do not care.
FED (Future Environment Defenders) is a teen driven movement focused on bringing awareness to Australian teenagers. We believe that the most important aspect in our fight for change is education. Our goal is to educate the youth on energy, water and sustainable practices through the promotion of renewable energy sources/organisations, drawing attention to the value of water supply, and supporting sustainable practices from alternative agricultural processes to utilising renewable resources within Australia . The FED team is currently focused on gaining members, participating in community projects and volunteering and working within our school communites to spread the awareness and educate our peers.
Our Future Environmental Defenders are passionate about all aspects of the environment from marine biology to rainforest ecosystems, the politcs shaping Australia's actions and animal rights and welfare. Check out our 'Our Say' coloumn for exactly that. We also have an array of vegan and vegetarian team members, old and new, who are passionate about their envionrmentally friendly lifestyles. Our bloggers are equipped with resources, recipes and a handful of advice to help you on your way to making a positive change. Check them out in our 'Lifestyle' section!
Facebook // FED Up: The Movement
Twitter // FED Up: The Movement
Instagram // @fedup_themovement
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