The FED team supports a variety of environmental activist groups who are working towards creating a more sustainable future for Australia. Here you can find the petitions, events and organisations that share FED's vision.
Climate Emergency Declaration
In February 2016, global temperatures spiked to well over 1.5°C above pre-industrial times, just weeks after the Paris resolution aimed at not exceeding that benchmark. Record-breaking heat run continued through March and April.
Our Great Barrier Reef is dying as the oceans heat up and recent fires in Tasmania burned ancient world-heritage forests.
Climate scientists say that we are facing a climate emergency, and that the future of ecosystems and human civilisation now hang in the balance.
Climate Mobilisation Australia have created a petition to the Australian Parliament urging them to fulfill their duties as leaders and declare a climate emergency and mobilise resources to restore a safe climate. This is such an important cause that people need to get involved with; especially teenagers!! Make sure you add 'teen' to the postcode section when you sign the petition below and see the count for signatures from FED Up in the table above!!
‪#climateemergencypetition‬ ‪#FEDUp‬ ‪#climatemobilisationaustralia‬‪#theplanetisinyourhands‬
Australian Conservation Foundation
Environment Minister Greg Hunt has approved the Abbot Point port, the lynchpin of a coal development that will irrevocably damage the reef and lead to huge amounts of pollution. Sign at right to protect the Reef from short-sighted decisions that will seal the fate of one of the most biodiverse ecologies on Earth.
Plans to continue the industrial development of the Reef have increased, with a massive expansion earmarked by the coal industry along the Queensland coast and its hinterland
As well as digging up coal and tapping into coal seam gas deposits, there are major proposals for new and expanded ports and big increases in ship traffic through the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. In addition, new railway lines, large dams and coastal urban and resort development are planned.
All of these developments threaten the fragile ecology of the Great Barrier Reef
Currently, big business and state governments are pushing for the federal government to weaken the national environment law by handing over development approval powers to state governments.
State governments have a track record of failing to assess development in the national interest and attempting to sacrifice matters of environmental significance for short-term political or economic gains.
#GREENOUT2016 wants to spark an interest in positive change and who better to help do that than you?! An influencer and voice of our generation.
This unofficial Greens online event to take place on Saturday the 18th of June at 9 AM. We are calling this event #GREENOUT2016. This is an unofficial campaign for The Greens and will give a voice to the youth and creatives of today. Creatives, influencers, adventurers and greens supporters will all be asked to take part by creating an image using the GREEN theme. This can be via styling/location/props or whatever you feel suits you most. These images will then be posted simultaneously at on Saturday 18th of June at 9 AM for the campaign launch on your social media account with: #GREENOUT2016 VOTE THE GREENS NO.1 " somewhere in your comment.
FED is supporting this campaign in hopes to raise awareness on the importance of the youths' voice and our influence on the enviornment; specifically our Great Barrier Reef. #GREENOUT2016 is also addressing issues like climate change, animal welfare and even marriage equality- we are super stoked to be part of this exciting initiative. Check out their website at right, and the link to their Instagram is above.